Geneticists have mixed DNA from the roundworm C. elegans and pigs to produce swine with significant amounts of omega-3 fatty acids — the kind believed to stave off heart disease.
Researchers hope they can improve the technique in pork and do the same in chickens and cows. In the process, they also want to better understand human disease.
"We all can use more omega-3 in our diet," said Dr. Jing Kang, the Harvard Medical School researcher who modified the omega-3-making worm gene so it turned on in the pigs.
no. this is wrong. i dont want worms in my bacon. eat bacon and take omega 3 pills. dont mess with the chemical make up of my bacon. any change in the smell, taste, coloring, texture could only be a downgrade from the perfection that is bacon.
i DID read that! i also did a report on those worms in a bio class section on parasites in highschool. everyone did a presentation on a different parasite. i was a week of hell. i felt itchy and diseased. parasites in worm form that burst through the skin are the sickest though. its funny you mentioned this. after i read the aforementioned article, i began to experience some paranoia surrounding the fact that i might have worms in intestines from my trip this summer and i haven't seen a doctor yet nor will i as im uninsured.... balls.
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