
"I'll see you after class"

I am glad that the days of hot teachers having sex with their barely pubescent pupils is over, so we can return to good old-fashioned teacher-on-teacher sex. It is cleaner, doesn't usually involve charges of rape and can often be easily explained as sex education in practice or advanced anatomical instruction.

From L to R: Mary Kay Letourneau and her manchild husband, and Debra Lefave(orite teacher)
It seems like these freaky teachers are all in Florida.

Just last week two middle school teachers in Tampa resigned after students saw them having sex in a classroom, the Hillsborough County school district said.

Frances J. Sepulveda, 30, and Bryant J. Wilburn, 29, said they had sex in the classroom during school hours on "one or two occasions." They resigned last month after two students at Coleman Middle School reported they saw the teachers having sex. The classroom door was locked and a window was covered with paper, but a boy and a girl told school officials they could see inside.

Of course Ms. Sepulveda is a Spanish teacher and Mr. Wilbur is a P.E. instructor.


Anonymous said...

i was running in the park and a middle aged man started running with me. i couldnt really run away, cause.. well we were already running. so we got to talking and obviously teacher on student sex came up. he didnt have a problem with it he banged his teacher and thought it was good for his budding manly prowess. by the end of our run i had convinced him that it was okay if his son was gay, though to do so i had to also convince him it was okay for his son to kiss him on the lips. i am not sure what battle i won there, but a breakthrough was definately made.

Jonathan Erickson said...

Funny--we have a spanish teacher with the alst name Sepulveda at my school...
I and a couple other teachers call her "Topanga" since it is a another big street in LA. She doesn't like that much.