Bacon-Wrapped Breakfast Burrito Recipe Request

Project Runway 2 Catch-Up

Episode 1:
The first episode saw the dismissal of two of the designers, John and Heidi. John Wade, whose unbelievably short tie was grounds for dismissal before the design phase even began, produced some unbelievably bland tie-dyed crap. Heidi, who hails from small-town 'Bama, was out of her league in the big-city fashion world. I don't exactly remember her design and I guess that is why she is no longer on the show.
Episode 2:
The second episode may end up being the best episode of the season, so if you have the opportunity to watch a marathon on some Saturday or Sunday watch out for this one. The episode was particularly memorable because it included Andrae's ridiculous runway breakdown [video- you must watch!] and Zulema's way-too-short dress which revealed a lot of model ass. Episode 2, the "Clothes Off Your Back" episode, also saw the exit of Kristen who refused to use her stupid grandmother's stupid scarf in her awful outfit and was summarily dismissed by the panel of judges. "Auf Wiedersehen."
Episode 3:
The purpose of this episode's challenge was to design an outfit for a "fasion icon." That icon ended up being Barbie. The episode pretty much sucked. What sucked even more though was Raymundo's design for Barbie, which was lambasted by the judges and compared to "poor appalachian li'l abner" whatever that means.
Episode 4:
This episode was a group lingerie project. It was pretty good. Daniel Franco, a hold over from the first season of PR, was dismissed because his designs were relatively boring. Santino, the favorite up until this point, was also on the chopping block after producing a line of lingerie inspired by lederhosen. Needless to say it was hideous.

Rebecca (Becky) Sanchez Guest Blog: How-to "Pull-a-Johnny" and go for Special Olympics Gold
According to the official Special Olympics website, "A person is considered to have an intellectual disability for purposes of determining his or her eligibility to participate in Special Olympics if that person satisfies any one of the following requirements:
The person has been identified by an agency or professional as having an intellectual disability as determined by their localities. [So, in this case, a friend-of-the-family doctor could be your golden ticket] The person has a cognitive delay, as determined by standardized measures such as intelligent quotient or "IQ" testing or other measures that are generally accepted within the professional community in that Accredited Program's nation as being a reliable measurement of the existence of a cognitive delay. [This is probably the easiest way to feign intellectual disability, simply go in and fail an IQ test.]
The person has a closely related developmental disability. A "closely related developmental disability" means having functional limitations in both general learning (such as IQ) and in adaptive skills (such as in recreation, work, independent living, self-direction, or self-care).
However, persons whose functional limitations are based solely on a physical, behavioral, or emotional disability, or a specific learning or sensory disability, are not eligible to participate as Special Olympics athletes. [So, while Leonardo DiCaprio's character from Gilbert Grape would
be eligible, Rainman and Kevin Spacy in the Usual Suspects would not.]
Although it may prove relatively simple to "Pull a Johnny" and feign retardedness in order to fix the Special Olympics, there is relatively little to "fix." To the best of my knowledge, the winners receive no cash prizes. However, like The Ringer, you may reap the serendipitous, yet invaluable reward of discovering what it truly means to be "Special." In regards to the film's offensiveness, it may surprise you that The Special Olympics actually endorses the film.
(Note: This is not Dustin Hoffman as "Rainman" but rather a semi-pro wrestler by the same name)
The Special Olympics President and Chairman released a statement affirming, "The film projects the commonality of all people, showing people with intellectual disabilities as more alike than different. Laughing at a person and laughing with a person are very different forms of humor, and it is our belief that this comedy will give audiences the chance to laugh with Special Olympics athletes while appreciating their joy and wisdom. Equally importantly, we believe that the stigmas presented in the early scenes of the movie will be seen as folly by the end of The Ringer." More than 150 individuals with intellectual disabilities appeared in the film.
Huge Development in Humanzee-Gate

The Soviets used several methods to accomplish this violent simian-human hybrid including:
The Holiday War Hits the House Floor
Twas the week before Christmas and all through the House
No bills were passed 'bout which Fox News could grouse;
Tax cuts for the wealthy were passed with great cheer,
So vacations in St. Barts soon would be near;
Katrina kids were nestled all snug in motel beds,
While visions of school and home danced in their heads;
In Iraq our soldiers needed supplies and a plan,
Plus nuclear weapons were being built in Iran;
Gas prices shot up, consumer confidence fell;
Americans feared we were on a fast track to…well…
Wait -- we need a distraction -- something divisive and wily;
A fabrication straight from the mouth of O'Reilly
We can pretend that Christmas is under attack
Hold a vote to save it -- then pat ourselves on the back;
Silent Night, First Noel, Away in the Manger
Wake up Congress, they're in no danger!
This time of year we see Christmas every where we go,
From churches, to homes, to schools, and yes…even Costco;
What we have is an attempt to divide and destroy,
When this is the season to unite us with joy
At Christmas time we're taught to unite,
We don't need a made-up reason to fight
So on O'Reilly, on Hannity, on Coulter, and those right wing blogs;
You should just sit back, relax…have a few egg nogs!
'Tis the holiday season: enjoy it a pinch
With all our real problems, do we honestly need another Grinch?
So to my friends and my colleagues I say with delight,
A merry Christmas to all,
and to Bill O'Reilly…Happy Holidays.

12/17 Email from Todd O. Anderson:
hey guys --
-- Tomorrow afternoon is Santarchy, at Zeitgeist (2:30pm) amongst other places. I think I'm gonna try to throw together some santa shit, cuz I've always wanted to be part of this. Oh, if you are unfamilier with Santarchy!, check this out (esp. the police report - "I located some of the suspect Santas... I monitored these Santas"):
http://www.santarchy.com/ . Let me know if you imagine finding yourself there.
peace --
-- Tilz
12/18 Update on New Zealand Santarchy via AP:
WELLINGTON, New Zealand - A group of 40 people dressed in Santa Claus costumes, many of them drunk, rampaged through New Zealand’s largest city, robbing stores and assaulting security guards, police said Sunday.
The rampage, dubbed “Santarchy” by local newspapers, began early Saturday afternoon when the men, wearing ill-fitting Santa costumes, threw beer bottles and urinated on cars from an Auckland overpass, said Auckland Central Police spokeswoman Noreen Hegarty.

Drunken Walmart Robot Santa
i can never tell if i hate this movie or not
See more rejected ads here.
Dress Barn

the funny part, to me, is that the cat is on top
Well, finally, we have proof. I am happy to present to you the physical act of hybrid-making:
via cute overload (which, by the way, is THE BEST BLOG EVER, especially this post and this post and this post).
The War on Christmas: Fact or Fiction

Since 1957 the War on Christmas has historically been fought between the Grinch and the good people of Whoville. This year there are some new players, or soldiers rather, in this America's Longest War.
Conservative activists were justifiably upset when their born-again evangelical President Bush sent out 1.4 million holiday card to his "close friends" and supporters. William A. Donohue, president of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, said that the holiday card "clearly demonstrates that the Bush administration has suffered a loss of will and that they have capitulated to the worst elements in our culture."
John Gibson, author of the War on Christmas, attempts to demonstrate that millions of Americans are starting to fight back against the secularist forces and against local officials who would rather surrender than be seen as politically incorrect. Gibson shows readers how they can help save Christmas from being twisted beyond recognition, with even the slightest reference to Jesus completely disappearing.
(Noah's note -- here's a nice John Gibson quote: “The wagers of this war on Christmas are a cabal of secularists, so-called humanists, trial lawyers, cultural relativists, and liberal, guilt-wracked Christians — not just Jewish people.”)
Bill O'Reilly's version of the War on Christmas is waged by "secular progressives" and includes "the legalization of narcotics, euthanasia, abortion at will, and gay marriage." Bill O'Reilly encouraged the boycott of retailers that use "Holiday" rather than "Christmas" in their marketing campaigns, including Sears, Walmart, KMart, Target, Costco, Kohl's, KB Toys, FAO Schwarz. However, as Jon Stewart at the Daily Show aptly noted, the Fox News own online store encouraged viewers to secular "holiday ornaments" for their secular "holiday tree"
Christians v. Holidazians
(Noah's note -- for a further examination of the War on Christmas, check out fuckchristmas.org. Representative text:
But you boys at FOX still freak out every year about how everyone's out to get your special trees. This is really the most important thing you have to talk about? Whether Target says Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas? Here’s a brainstorm: there’s a fucking war on. Our soldiers are out there dying while you guys do your 14th live feed of the day from WalMart to show us what good little consumers we are. What Would Jesus Do? He’d jump over that newsdesk and kick your ass for that shit. Are you sure you want to hang your journalism credentials on a story about what some guy calls a tree?)
Rebecca (Becky) Sanchez Guest Blog: Squirrels Top Great Pyramid Scheme of 2005
It all started a few months ago when I started hearing noises in my ceiling. They were animal noises, tiny footsteps, too loud to be caused by mice and too soft to be caused by raccoons. Rats are absolutely not an option, despite my roommates' claims to the contrary, so squirrels (Note: You must click on this link) are the most likely perpetrators. At first, I was at peace living amongst the squirrels, they gave me a sense that I was not alone. Then they started to evolve in their new habitat. The soft pitter patter of their feet transformed into a mysterious metal on metal sound--maybe they were going through an industrial revolution, or maybe they were building a space station, I don't know. Then, a few weeks ago, they took over one of my two closets. Now, in order to enter the closet, I must hold my roommates's cat at bay, just in case.This made me mad. I decided that the squirrels were no longer my friends and I decided to take action. After several calls to be estranged landlady, I asked my roommate, David, about the possibility of withholding rent. David basically runs the show (pyramid scheme) around my apartment. I also asked him if we could attach a statement of condition to the security deposit.
As it turns out, the landlady doesn't have my security deposit, nor is she holding on to my last month's rent. Really, she doesn't even know that I live in the apartment. I'm basically a squatter. Both sums, as well as those from my other four roommates, have been in David's bank account this entire time. The total amount of money should equal $5000.00. David, however,
quickly corrected me, affirming that the actual amount of money in his "special apartment bank account" is$2500.00. The other $2500, according to David, is a "hypothetical sum of money." When I moved in, my $500 security deposit went to the girl whose room I moved into. According to David this is due to a "grandfather clause." He is a complete idiot.
Bottom line: I am a helpless victim of a ruthless pyramid scheme, squatting in an apartment, living at the mercy of a wild pack of space-age squirrels.
Noah, help me!
Side note: to find where you stand in a given pyramid scheme, I recommend this pyramid scheme calculator
blognac investigates... ELEPHANT POLO
The main difference between traditional polo and elephant polo is that, in elephant polo, the players ride elephants instead of horses. Additonally, there are two riders per elephant, most likely (in this writer's opinion) due to the fact that elephants are generally larger than horses and (in this writer's experience) more difficult to control. One rider is in charge of hitting the ball and giving directional commands. The other, known as a mahout ("The word mahout comes from the Hindi words mahaut and mahavat, derivatives of the Sanskrit word mahamatra, meaning "[one] having great measure"), heeds the first rider's commands and directs/drives the elephant. All the mahouts must speak Nepali, as that is the only language the elephants understand.
According to the World Elephant Polo Association (the largest international elephant polo governing body), an offical match consists of two ten-minute chukkers (halves) played on a 120x70 meter pitch, 3/4 the length of a horse-polo pitch. The game is played by two teams of four (not including the mahouts) using a regular polo ball. Early incarnations of elepolo were played with soccer balls, but it was discovered that the elephants liked to smash them. There are no restrictions as to the height, weight, or sex of the elephants. However, only female players may swing the mallets with both hands. Elephants may not pick up the ball with their trunks. "Sugar cane or rice balls packed with vitamins (molasses and rock salt) shall be given to the elephants at the end of the match; and a cold beer, or soft drinks, to the elephant drivers, but not vice versa."
Though the elephants are generally docile, they can occasionally get out of control. “We had an elephant in Nepal, actually, who didn’t like the mahout of another elephant,” said Jim Edwards, co-founder of WEPA and captain of the PricewaterhouseCoopers team. “The mahout had treated him badly, and the elephant killed him the first chance he got—hit him in the back with his trunk. So we haven’t completely worked out the human-elephant dynamic yet. I own 25 of them, and they continue to surprise me.”
Many elepolo teams have sought out high-profile corporate sponsors--including Chivas Regal, American Express, and Mercedes-Benz--in their quest to win the most coveted prize in all of elephant sports: the King's Cup. [editor's note: you should really click on the team names to see the player profiles.] Chivas has won for the last two years.
Among the most popular elepolo teams is the Screwless Tuskers, a team made up entirely of Thai ladyboys. According to their website, the Screwless Tuskers have several unique advantages on the elepolo pitch: "The Screwless Tuskers will come on to the field with three things going for them: (a) male muscle (admittedly the least of the three advantages), (b) female rules (the two-hand rule in elephant polo applies to all females, not just to those born that way), and (c) the ability to talk Thai to the Mahouts." Is this strategy suspect? "This is a gentleman's game," says Peter Prentice, captain of the Chivas Regal team and a WEPA board member. "If Alf Erickson says they're ladies... they're ladies." Alf Leif Erickson owns and manages the Screwless Tuskers. He is a retired American lawyer and bread-fortune heir. He owns the world's largest collection of corkscrews.
Scuba Santa Honored

i am also confused about what constitutes a "binding magical contract," but that is for another time
[L]et us simply get this out, once and for all: Quidditch makes no sense whatsoever. You score only two ways: ten points for throwing a huge “quaffle” through a defended hoop or 150 points for capturing the little “snitch”—which capture immediately ends the game. Now, we have read all the books, and the notion that a team would ever have a 15 goal, 150 point lead is unheard of. Therefore, everything about the game is irrelevant other than catching the fucking snitch, since those 150 game-ending points are always enough to win. What the—? We honestly don’t understand how the most identifiable set-piece in the entire Potter franchise could be so utterly devoid of competitive logic, and we would really like to see a worldwide movement in which little Potterheads in their round, black specs knock on the door of what assume is J. K. Rowling’s billion-pound British estate to demand a better sport, and now.
Explain that one, Colin.
Alex's note:
Stop Snitching is a movement started by Baltimore drug dealers to prevent people from acting as law enforcement informants in drug cases. While catching the snitch in Baltimore does not result in 150 points it often does mean the end of the game, at least for the snitch, and the end of the prosecution's case.
Genetic mutation or jungle indiscretion? You make the call...
Dirty Pools

I always thought the two most import components were cleanliness and thoroughness.
live fat
What's that you say? You would like to show your support for obesity awareness not with the fasionable tile coaster (shown above) but with a tote bag, women's track suit, baby onesie, or wall clock? Not a problem. And don't get stingy now, it's the holidays (er, I mean Christmas) and this is for a good cause.
Alex's note:
"Live free or die" General John Stark
"Live fat" Noah
"Live fat and then die" John Candy (300+lb) and Chris Farley (296lb)
her lumps
When asked if she would prefer bigger breasts and more curves like co-star Rachel Bilson, Mischa told Bliss magazine: "No! I feel tall and lanky next to her, but I'd be scared of having her boobs and voluptuousness!OK. I am as much a fan of celebrity emaciation as anyone. But I just want to point out that when Rachel Bilson (seen below, center) is seen as being so voluptuous that one would need surgery to imitate her dramatic curves, things have gotten fucked up.
poisoned and beslimed
This is the stuff of my nightmares, people -- 450 pound killer jellyfish taking over even the most industrialized countries. If it can happen in Japan it can happen here, and we don't even have their innovative defense of eating the jellies or using them as face cream. Japan, China, and South Korea have arranged a summit to deal with this threat, but I fear (as I believe many do) that it's already too late. And the Japanese government's "jellyfish countermeasures committee"? It's a fucking joke to these massive and deadly cniderians. Our only hope may be to enlist the armed dolphin to defend our coast, but who's to say the dolphin will be on our side.
It's time for Plan B: nuke the oceans.
Actually, Alex, your Holocaust survivor/denier movie would have to be Final Destination 4 since, thankfully, FD3 will be upon us in about two months. The kids escape death at an amusement park, only to realize that they put a rift in death's design and now it's after them... with zany results!
Watch the trailer here.
The State of California Politics: An Instant Message Discussion
Law Boy: that makes me want to vomit. though it might be fun to make CA politics all celebrity all the time
Tall Guy: who should the dems run?
Law Boy: to be governor you must have starred in, produced, or directed a film that grossed over $150 million domestic
Tall Guy: matt damon? tim robbins? george clooney?
Law Boy: to be a senator, $75 million
Law Boy: big-city mayors, $25 million, preferably an ethnic comedy
Law Boy: state senators must have at least 3 credits on imdb
Tall Guy: martin lawrence
Law Boy: yeah, or ice cube
Tall Guy: that would be a good
Tall Guy: what latinos should we elect
Law Boy: hmm, i don't know. tommy chong?
Tall Guy: isnt he in jail?
Law Boy: i thought he got out. he could be the new tookie.
Tall Guy: he has the street cred with the humboldt crowd
Tall Guy: state senator chong
Tall Guy: assemblyman cheech
Law Boy: wow, there are very few latino celebrities
Law Boy: oh, edward james olmos has gravitas
Law Boy: he could totally run
Tall Guy: at least state senate for olmos
Law Boy: he played a supreme court justice on the west wing
Law Boy: that counts for something
Tall Guy: that counts for a lot
Tall Guy: john leguizamo
Law Boy: he lives in ny
Tall Guy: jlo too damnit
Law Boy: how about george lopez
Law Boy: he sucks so much, though
Tall Guy: is ray romano italian or latino
Law Boy: i don't think latino
Law Boy: freddie prinze jr. is latino!
Tall Guy: no way
Law Boy: yeah
Law Boy: very much. like, half.
Tall Guy: hollywood latino
Law Boy: oh, he's a quarter latino
Law Boy: but still. that's something.
Final Destination 3: Holocaust denier to make film about Holocaust survivors
Wait a sec... Someone already made this movie. Twice. Final Destination and the stunning sequel Final Destination 2.
I guess that isn't really the idea of Final Destination, but it could be an idea for Final Destination 3.
"I am so excited! I am so excited! I am so ... scared"
Shortly after starting to take the pills (like two days) Jessie begins to lose it and her life starts to spin out of control. When Zach finds her asleep in her bed right before she is supposed to perform in front of some powerful music executives at The Maxx we know something is wrong. Our suspicions are confirmed when she runs for the bottle of pills to perk up for the big performance. Here Zach earns his bona fides and confronts his lifelong friend about her dangerous drug use. At the end of the episode, the whole cast assembles around Jessie's bed where Jessie informs them and us, the viewers, that she will be seeing the doctor the next day to get counseling.
(Pictured above: Jessie is back on the 'Feen and now she is walking the streets, grinding vegetation)
Get down to it
Go for it
Come on and break a sweat
Rock and Roll
You ain't seen nothing yet
-The Hot Sundaes
What do 1,000 wet Hungarians on ecstasy, a laser light show and excessively loud electronic music all have in common?

Uhhhh, Yeah... XMEN 3

(Left to right, top to bottom)
Aaron Stanford -- John Allerdyce/Pyro
James Marsden -- Scott Summers/Cyclops
Vinnie Jones -- Cain Marko/Juggernaut
Anna Paquin -- Rogue
Shawn Ashmore -- Bobby Drake/Iceman
Ellen Page -- Kitty Pryde/Shadowcat
Halle Berry -- Ororo Munroe/Storm
Kelsey Grammer -- Hank McCoy/Beast
Famke Janssen -- Jean Grey/Phoenix
Dania Ramirez -- Callisto
Ben Foster -- Warren Worthington
Hugh Jackman -- Logan/Wolverine
(Not pictured above)
Daniel Cudmore -- Peter Rasputin/Colossus
Ian McKellen -- Eric Lensherr/Magneto
Patrick Stewart -- Professor Charles Xavier
Rebecca Romijn -- Mystique
Shohreh Aghdashloo -- Dr. Kavita Rao
XMEN 3 Trailer....
I saw X2 three times in the theatre. On my last visit, I watched the first scene with Nightcrawler kicking ass in the White House, went to sleep, woke up in time for Magneto's escape from his plastic prison cell, and then went back to sleep for the remainder of the the film. It was great. I anticipate seeing X3 at least 3x too.
The Xtreme Rat Challenge

Pictured above: An albino rat named Kada struggles to hang on in the tight rope event of the Xtreme Rat Challenge.