
aubesians & such

There are those among us who would heed Presdent Bush's call to abolish the development of a hybrid army to fight crime, hurricanes, gay marriage, terror, and foreign oil addiction. These people think they can stop the inevitable advancement of our species:
Thank God the president had the resolve to take on the gathering Pig Man threat. America faces a new kind of enemy -- the human-animal hybrid or "chimera." While you sleep tonight, they're moving. They're lurking. They're infiltrating our nation and undermining our freedoms. They're dressed in deceptively festive lederhosen and scaling the outside walls of your house. They're plotting to spring out of the shadows -- oinking at your children. They hate us for our freedom and small noses.

I can only hope these dissident voices are silenced, and I am heartened by the fact that hybrid development has advanced further than I had initially expected. See for yourself:

(artist's rendering)

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