An 11-month-old baby displays horizontal bar skills in her home in Qionghai, South China’s Hainan Province, November 9, 2004. The baby, born on November 21, 2003, was abandoned on a Qionghai street by her parents on November 24, 2003, before being adopted by a man surnamed Wang. Thanks to the help of Mr. Wang, the baby could walk when she was just eight months old and could perform on a horizontal bar and stage a headstand two months later.

Little Wang Qian balances herself with ease on her foster father's palm, while pretending to be on a mobile.

You're practically forcing me to procreate
fuck procreation i want to be a baby stealer so i get them when they are already cute pies of love instead of covered in smegma. i cant decide which of these pictures i want to blow up to poster size more.
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