Introduction to Table Tennis is but one of many physical eduation courses I failed at Pomona before ultimately passing Bowling. I probably would have failed Bowling too had it not been for my amazing teammates/life partners Rebecca "Backdoor Becky" Sanchez and Colin "Nasty Nate" Platt." However, the exploits of Dirty Ding's Kingpins on the waxed lanes at the Brunswick Upland Bowl is a story for another day because today and the rest of the week belongs to our respected elders making war, not love, on the ping pong tables of Bremen, Germany.
World Veterans Table Tennis Championship is currently underway in Bremen, Germany (Do you get the feeling that Germany is monopolizing the best events these days from the recent
Beard and Moustache Championship in Hesel to the upcoming
2006 World Cup?)

Dorothy De Low, (pictured above) a 95-year-old from Sydney, pounds a vicious back-spinning backhand against that youngster, 94-year-old Yukie Uchida (pictured below) from Japan.

If you are interested in finding a good program in the United States for a aging family member or friend may I suggest the Sunrise Table Tennis Club in sunny Clearwater, Florida. The
STTC Seniors led by Nahed “The Silver Scorpion” Williams, Margo “The Magnificent” Lindsay and Jose “Joe” Borges, just dominate the competition at the Florida Senior Games.
Very nice :)!
I'll play dat shit till I'm in the hospital, and winner takes all catheters and spritzes the loser. If I could just keep it on the table . . . must be the orthopedic shoes.
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