Tacqueria Cancun: With two Mission Street locations that are open until 2am, I frequently found

Pancho Villa/El Toro Taquerias: These establishments were the Mission taquerias of my youth. Although I prefer Cancun, I have been known to return to Pancho Villa and El Toro when laziness/inebriation prevents me from walking the additional four blocks to Cancun.
Gordo Burrito: This burrito is the antithesis of the classic Mission-style burrito, which means that it is delicious in an entirely different way. In a departure from the carne asada, at Gordo I swear by the super boiled chicken burrito with everything. The end result if often a wet pile of chicken and rice surrounded by the remnants of a super-saturated tortilla, but it is worth it. I have heard that Gordo is owned by a Japanese family and my friend James claims that those making the burritos are Middle Eastern, but have not confirmed the first charge and am supremely confident that James is an idiot. Regardless, if you find yourself in the Richmond or the Sunset and can't make the trek crosstown I highly recommend Gordo.
It's no surprise that a rivalry exists between these two hugely popular chains whose Coolidge Corner branches are just three blocks apart. They share the same basic menu, the same general prices ($3.75 for the large burrito at Anna's, $4.25 at Boca), the same overall strategy of fresh food, fast. Oh, and, unknown to most of their customers, the owners share a last name (and are not Mexican, but Japanese).
All due respect to AV, but when in SF I prefer the Super Burrito "Al Pastor" at Taqueria Cancun. It's a sort of marinated pork, and the flavor mixes deliciously with the guac and sour cream. Then there's this wonderful place in San Diego where they'll put french fries in your burrito, which is surprisingly good.
Also, for posterity, Chicago's top burrito place is probably Taco Burrito Palace #2, on Halsted just north of Fullerton.
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