
Shoes the size of Rhode Island...

I wear large shoes, so I have empathy for anyone who has to look for shoes sized nearly twice my own size. I don't know any such people personally, but have found one in Igor Vovkovinskiy. Fortunately for young Igor, his shoes come to him like an order from zappos.

Shoemaker Georg Wessels traveled from Germany to personally deliver some king-size footwear to a Rochester, Minnesota man.

Igor Vovkovinskiy, who stands at 7-foot-8, received three pairs of size-26 shoes crafted specifically to fit his feet.

As part of his business, Wessels makes shoes free-of-charge for the world's 10 tallest people, which include the 23-year-old Ukrainian immigrant.

These are not the world's biggest shoes however. That title belongs to the Marikina City, which crafted the world's largest pair of shoes, each measuring 5.5 meters long, 2.25 meters wide and 1.83 meters high. The heel alone measures 41 centimeters or 16 inches. The P2-million shoes can reportedly fit to a 37.5-meter or 125-foot giant. Around 30 people could put their feet into the colossal shoes simultaneously.


noah said...

best comment spam ever

noah said...

they may not be words, but i think i'm interested. i think i will invite teen-titans-girls32 to the next blognac party. she seems fun.

Kolsky said...

umm... is it wrong of me to comment on the actual post? It's not that I don't like teen asses, but...

What exactly does Mr. Vovkovinsky do for a living, and is he potentially available to play for the Chicago Bulls next season?

Anonymous said...

Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.

Anonymous said...

Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.

Reg Cæsar said...

I remember seeing this kid on a Twin Cities TV news report about a decade ago. He had just moved here from the Ukraine and towered over, or perhaps occluded, his classmates.

All I could think was that, while the name Igor has a long and noble pedigree back home, it was about the worst possible one to bring to America, particularly when one sticks out this much.

If this is Igor, I don't want to see Dr Frankenstein... let alone their monster!

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