The movie revolves around a series of unlikely friendships/love affairs: Man-Chimpanzee (Manpanzee), Man-Boy (Manchild) and Child-Chimpanzee (Childpanzee).
The movie begins with Man (played by Matthew Modine) freeing Chimp (alternatively played by Alexandre Aubry, Jean-Luc Orofino and a real life chimpanzee) from a secure biomedical facility where Chimp was to victimized by the amoral scientists who wished to poke, prod and generally dehumanize him (he is 2/3 human afterall).
On the lam, Manpanzee grow close, too close. However, the Manpanzee love affair is quickly interupted and complicated by the introduction of Child (played by Seth Adkins) who befriends Chimp during a near riot at an animal park. Soon thereafter, Manpanzee move into a garage apartment at Child's house and the Manchildpanzee love triangle is born.
From here on the movie is just sick, as the Manchildpanzee puts its filthy love paws on just about every living thing, including the Child's Mother (played by the delectable Roma Downey) and Child's Virginal Girlfriend (played by Kaleigh Krish). The Manchildpanzee loving is actually pretty tame, considering its bestial and pedophilic in nature, and includes a lot of hugging (Think Michael Jackson, Macaulay Culkin and Coco, the pet monkey, but without all the innappropriate sexual activity that never actually occurred)
In the end however the wrongs of bestial and pedophillic experimentation are righted and world as God intended is restored: Man with Child's Mother, Child with Child's Girlfriend and Chimp with handful of his own feces.
Two Opposable Thumbs Up for Funky Monkey.
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