
Year of the Dog-Baby

Reuters is reporting that a Tanzanian mother went into hysterics when she found her six month-old baby suckling dog's milk. The mother left her son on a mat while she went to hang clothes in the yard and came back to find him suckling on the dog.

From The Family Dog Online's article on Introducing a Dog to a New Baby: The nature of canids - wolves and dogs - is that of the family group. It is normally two dominant adults and related individuals of various ages. Usually only the two dominant adults breed, yet all members of the pack help to care for the mother and pups, bring meat back to the mother and pups, and guard the pups. Subordinate females may "baby-sit" and even help nurse the puppies.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i must voice my intense appreciation for blognac.i finally delved into your lovely blog depths this week and am now filled with warm internet happiness mostly because of all posts about babies, becky's brilliant writing on the cama, and your links which eventually led me to the rachel bilson website and video clips. thank you blognac.