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Karl Rove is like:

Coming up later today: How Karl Rove is like a prison bitch and how George Bush is like a dalmatian.

Unless you mean it in the sense that Karl Rove is like the crotch of the current presidency and that crotch is, necessarily, diminutive, at least based on all the penis-enhancing actions the admin has undertaken.

Karl Rove is like the proverbial Dutch boy, with his finger in all the dikes, all the cracks in the dike.

for Democrats to complain about being robbed by KARL ROVE is like the James gang crying that the cops are on the take.

What I want to talk about is how Karl Rove is like the fat kid in 5th grade that I used to ritually wedgie, pants and swirlie in the most spectacular and public manner possible.

Karl Rove is like a slinky... not really good for anything but he can still bring a smile to your face if your push him down a flight of stairs.

Election season for Karl Rove is like wintertime for squirrels.

Karl Rove is like Bush-lite. This guy sleeps in Bush the lesser’s underwear.

Karl Rove is like Osama: over-hyped and over-rated.

Karl Rove is like a malignant melanoma.

Previous installments: Adolf Hitler, President Bush

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