
Bowling for Kid's Sake

A brief public service announcement: If you know me, you know that, like Trick Daddy, I "love the kids." You might also know that I also love bowling. So, when an opportunity comes along to bowl and help the children I cannot pass it up. I encourage you to join me and find your local chapter of Big Brothers Big Sisters and "Bowl for Kids' Sake."

However, charitable causes are not the point of this post. The point is that this weekend Colin "Nasty Nate" Platt was in DC. While the weekend was full of memorable moments I don't remember or don't care to recount most of them and there is no documentary accounting of them to share with you.

What I will divulge and did document is our bowling outing last night at the swanky Lucky Strike bowl at the Verizon Center. Accompanying myself, "Dirty Ding" and "Nasty Nate" was Beth "Bethamphetamine", who generously allowed us full access to her apartment compex's pool yesterday.

At the bowling ally, "Nasty Nate" tried to change his nom de guerre to something really stupid, but because this is my blog I won't even dignify the propsed name change by acknowledging it. What I am willing to acknowledge is that his Nastiness bowled one hell of a game, recording a personal best 146. after bowling a strike.

Below: "Nasty Nate" after bowling one of his several strikes and soiling himself drinking Bud Light in the bathroom.

Below: "Bethamphetamine" as photographed from the top of "Dirty Ding's" fully extended Go-Go Inspector Gadget Arms.

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